Business Research Methods: International Research

The possibilities for conducting international research in the internet age have really been revolutionized. A couple of decades ago, international research generally meant sending someone overseas with a substantial budget to set up a base, find translators and assistants, locate suitable respondents and do the actual interviewing. Those days are long gone, of course.

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Business Research Methods: Experimental Designs

Experimental designs are considered to be the most rigorous of all research methods. They are commonly used in medical research and in other sciences. However, they are not so commonly employed in social sciences and even less so in business research. Is this a good thing or does it not really matter?

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Business Research Methods: Communicating Results

Finding data, producing results and final reports are important stages in a project but do not signal the end of it. A researcher must be aware of the need to satisfy clients completely by involving her in the creation of meaning from the results. That means converting the results from what they seem to be on the page to living information that the client can use to make a difference to her business.

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Business Research Methods: Evaluation

Understanding whether an investment project of some sort is providing a good return on expenditure has become a particularly important issue. The importance has increased because of the continually expanding number of options for investment. The space for investment has increased both geographically, because of globalization, and also conceptually with the creation of cyberspace as a new realm of exploitation.

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Business Research Methods: B2B Research

Business-to-business (B2B) research is in principle similar to all other kinds of research in procedure and methodology but has the difference that respondents are members of the private sector and might be in competition with the client. This raises both practical and ethical considerations. However, there are some basic principles which can be applied here that might help the researcher navigate these issues.

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Business Research Methods: Cultural Issues

Globalization brings about the integration of different markets involved in production and consumption and that means, for our purposes, different types of people are likely to become customers of a given good or service. When research is involved, therefore, it is increasingly likely that it will involve cross-cultural issues in one way or another.

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Business Research Methods: Action Research

Action research is a form of research in which those conducting it simultaneously study the situation and try to improve that situation. It is most commonly found in areas related to development studies, broadly defined. Many people conducting research of this sort have access to higher levels of education and general knowledge and competencies than those being studied: hence, the researcher finds she is able to do something to improve the lives of the subjects.

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Business Research Methods: Data Analysis

Irrespective of what kind of research has been conducted, the moment will eventually come when it is necessary to conduct the process of data analysis. Sometimes this will occur just once, at the end of the project, while in other projects it might be necessary to conduct several phases of analysis at different states of the process.

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Business Research Methods: Rigor

The concept of ‘rigor’ is crucial in any form of research but the way in which it is manifested varies according to the type of research concerned. If we are talking about testing materials for aeroplane construction, for example, or new form of pharmaceuticals for human use, then it is necessary to conduct large numbers of tests under formal conditions in order to make sure of safety.

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Business Research Methods: The Personal Interview

A great deal of business research – indeed research in all of the social sciences – is based on the personal interview. To answer specific research questions, certain important individuals possess knowledge that is of considerable, perhaps crucial importance. It is just as well, then, to know how to be able to conduct this activity properly.

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